Policy Objectives

  • Climate change is the existential threat faced by the current generation. While there are no silver bullets to addressing the rise in greenhouse gases, policy solutions in other areas should take a view that incorporates climate as an integral aspect.

  • Housing First is the approach needed to unlock solutions addressing many of the other issues facing our City. Housing is the main constraint driving the ineffectiveness of tackling other issues. Without putting resources and energy toward reducing housing costs, solutions towards other issues are made all the more difficult

  • As a product of a the public education system, we need a return to basics to help lift up and give opportunities to the disadvantaged

  • Safe environments are the product of a multitude of policies, not just policing. Through a culture of an empathetic and outward mindset can we begin to address the many issues that have led to the safety crisis we are beginning to see.

  • Funding and expanding transit usage is the main mode shift needed to help reduce personal usage of cars. By offering a viable alternative can we reduce car dependency that makes it easier for those that truly rely on it as their only form of transportation.